Digital Dilemmas
Millions are addicted to social media and disconnected from life almost entirely creating a mental health epidemic.
"Digital Dilemmas," hosted by Robert Biehn, is a passionate podcast that delves into the complex challenges social media presents in our daily lives. This interactive series opens up Pandora’s box to explore how social media impacts everything that we do and even shapes our perception of reality.
Each episode navigates the stories, problems, and potential solutions to address a digital world that is undeniably fractured. Join Robert and a diverse array of guests in this transformative conversation, as we collectively strive to understand, critique, and redefine our relationship with social media before it’s too late. 'Digital Dilemmas' is a podcast for the people.
Tune in, be heard, and let’s fix social media together.
Empowering Creators in a Decentralized World w/ On The Bloc Chain Show

The Changing Soundtrack of AI in Music Creation w/ John Lucchetti

Rocking the Violin: Jesús Florido on Touring with Icons & Mastering Digital Tools

Navigating the Digital Jungle: Brandon Jay on AI, Crypto, and Social Media

The Kawasaki Effect: Tracing Tech Trails w/ Guy Kawasaki

Unlocking Magic with Tech: Revolutionizing Reality w/ Jon Clinkenbeard

The Ugly Truth Behind Reality TV Casting w/ Sheila Conlin

The Unseen Impact of Tech on Our Lives w/ Larry Rosen

How Digital Marketing Manipulates Us All w/ Joe Tamanini

Is Art Doomed or Enhanced by the AI era? w/ Phillip Fury

The Music Behind Roasting Justin Bieber & Inspiring Kobe Bryant w/ Noah Lifschey

How Social Media Is Rewiring Our Brains & Society w/ Robert Biehn & Jamie Weissenborn

Digital Dilemmas Episode Seven Featuring Edgel Groves

Digital Dilemmas Episode Six featuring Andrew Sayles

Digital Dilemmas Episode Five featuring Shannon K

Digital Dilemmas Episode Four featuring Kristian Riis

Digital Dilemmas Episode Three featuring Scott Page

Digital Dilemmas Episode Two featuring Brandy Vega

Digital Dilemmas Episode One featuring Jeff Bogensberger